One Minute Vol 4

RS-A 4 by Jonathan Moss

We introduced the travelling programme One Minute Volume 4 curated by Kerry Baldry at Plymouth Arts Centre.

One Minute
Plymouth Arts Centre Tuesday 19 October 2010
This touring programme curated by Kerry Baldry is the fourth in the series, an eclectic range of moving image with formats such as 16mm film, Super 8, video, stop-frame animation, superimposition, all constrained by a time limit of 60 seconds.

Since its launch in London in May 2010, One Minute volume 4 has been screened at venues across the UK, from the Showroom Cinema Sheffield to Stew Gallery in Norwich, was shown at the Future Proof exhibition in Marseille and at the Ukrainian Art Festival, presented by Directors Lounge at the Meinblau in Berlin and at Contemporary Art Ruhr in Germany, and will be screened at the Kinofest international digital film festival in Bucharest, Romania in November 2010.

The 46 short films are:

Pretty Flamingo by Katharine Meynell RS-A 4 by Jonathan Moss Ginnungagap Muspelheim by Eva Rudlinger (silent) One Minute in Pisa by Chris Meigh Andrews Dinosaur by Martin Pickles Cloud Mime by Gordon Dawson (silent) No Visible Means of Support by Sam Renseiw and Philip Sanderson 100 Heads by Tony Hill ‘it’s art’ (my grand dad is a conceptual artist) by Laure Prouvost (silent) Twenty Foot Square by Stuart Moore and Kayla Parker Untitled by Kerry Baldry The Man Who Came Back by Alex Pearl (silent) Inanimatismus by Steven Ball White Wall by Anahita Razmi Holding The Viewer by Tony Hill Snowflake by Kate Jessop Tell me when you think one minute is up from by Bob Levene Half Life by Erica Scourti (silent) Little Skipper by Elizabeth Hobbs Untitled by Stuart Pound Greenwich Power Station by Liam Wells X by Claire Morales Zapruder Objective 1 by Michael Cousin Film Poem 1 ‘Storm’ by Tina Keane Turn of the Century by Virginia Hilyard Dark Matter by Gordon Dawson (silent) Recess by Riccardo Iacono Loves me/loves me not by Fil Ieropoulos Time Travel by Sam Renseiw and Philip Sanderson Antarctica Silence by Marty St. James (silent) Scaped (1) by James Snazell The lost and crumpled will by Stuart Pound Night Piano by Richard Tuohy Colour Bars by Simon Payne (silent) Like using a … by Tansy Spinks Piecing by Louisa Minkin (silent) Twitter by Leister/Harris 1961 Revisted by Nicki Rolls (silent) Patronizing ideas, Lessons and Afternoon Games: Bar Delay by Zhel Vukicevic Live Painting – Red Hill by Nick Herbert Stargazers by Alex Pearl Code by Stuart Pound One Minute biennale di venezia 2009 by Daniela Butsch (silent) Blossom by Michael Szpakowski Restraint by David Kefford Passing Shots by Cate Elwes

Film-makers Stuart Moore and Kayla Parker, who are based in Plymouth, and Tony Hill, who is based in south east Cornwall, have contributed all work to the One Minute touring programmes, and were present for a Q+A discussion about short film-making after the screening.

Kerry Baldry: One Minute
Tony Hill Films
Stuart Moore: Sundog Media
Kayla Parker artist’s research